Mind Sparks Dry Erase Blocks, Assorted Colors, 3" x 3", 4 Blocks

Assorted Colors

3" x 3"
4 Blocks
Dry Erase Blocks are great for creating your own fun and games by drawing pictures, writing letters, words, phrases, numbers or a combination of them all. Roll, pass or toss blocks for many different types of play. Includes one dry erase marker (Black), an instruction sheet and four foam blocks with six dry erase panels each. Foam blocks come in an assortment that includes Lime, Teal, Orange and Purple.

Product Details

Product Number PAC9306
Size 3" x 3"
Package Quantity 4 Blocks
Carton Quantity 6
UPC# 021196093065

More Info

Game Play

Here are some ideas on how to start playing with your Mind Sparks™ Dry Erase Blocks.

Add a timing component for a more fast paced and competitive play. Get creative by adding rules and variations to our suggestions below. The possibilities are endless!

Opposites (Two Player): Each player gets two blocks each and writes three words on each block. Swap both blocks with the other player, and write the opposite of each word on the other side of the block. Whoever finishes correctly first wins. For early learners, draw pictures instead of writing words.

Sentences (Individual or Group): Each player takes a block and writes nouns, verbs, adjectives or pronouns on it. The group then rolls each block to form a sentence using the words they rolled. Continue playing and recording your sentences to make a silly story.

Decision Making (Individual or Group): These blocks are perfect for when you cannot make up your mind! Write your options on one or more blocks. Roll the blocks to determine your fate.

Math (Individual or Group): You will need four blocks total. On the first block, write numbers 0 to 5. On the second block, write math operation symbols (plus, minus, divide and multiply). Double up on the two math operations you need more practice with to all in all six sides of the block. On the third block, write numbers 6 to 11. Roll each block to create math equations. For young learners, be sure to roll the block with the higher numbers first to avoid negative number answers. For more advanced players, roll the number blocks in any order. Use the fourth block to complete the equation with an equal sign and your answer. If playing with a group, the player to shout out the correct answer first wins!

Color Association (Group): Each block has its own color (orange, blue, purple and green). Create a theme for each color. For example, the orange block is for acting, the blue block is for singing, the purple block is for rhyming and the green block is for new language vocabulary. Make sure you write words on each block that connect with the assigned theme. When all the blocks have their assigned words and themes, you’re ready to play.

Assign a leader who will not be actively playing. Break out into four small teams of at least three or more people. Teams should be within a few feet from each other. Each team gets one block. Whoever goes first on the team will need to react to the color theme and the first word they see. The rest of the team needs to guess what they’re acting out, explaining, singing, etc. Once the right answer is shouted out, erase the word that was guessed and toss the block to the first person who guessed correctly on your team.

At any time the leader can call out “swap,” and the teams need to toss their block to the next team over.
Keep playing until all words on all the blocks are erased!

Other fun ways to use Mind Sparks™ Dry Erase Blocks include:
• Learning new languages
• Rhyming
• Singing
• Compound Words
• Acting
• Spelling
• Call and Repeat
• Drawing

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